Lifestyle coaching - available online, phone or in person

Our amazing lifestyle coaches are trained to support mothers and provide the best information for raising healthy children to have healthy futures.


Kia ora e te whānau

Ko Salita toku ingoa, he uri awau nō Te Tairawhiti whānui, Te Whanau a Apanui, Te Rarawa anō hoki.

Salita is a māmā. She has experience in health, she believes in tikanga, manaakitanga, aroha to support māmā, pēpi and whānau.

Email Salita from Te Puna Manawa for a kōrero


Talofa, Malo le lei, Kia orana!

Taeamo Steven is an experienced health promoter, passionate about empowering mothers within the community and supporting them to live healthy lifestyles.

Email Taeamo from The FONO for a talanoa about your fanau hopes and aspirations!


Kia ora! Salam!

Bushra loves supporting families to become healthier and happier. Mum to two young growing boys, she knows the challenges of providing healthy, tasty food.

Mothers say that Bushra’s workshops helped them build confidence to choose healthier food and improve their home cooking.

Don’t hesitate to email Bushra for any queries.


Hello, 你好,안녕하세요, こんにちは❣

Abby has been working with Asian whanau for two years with the CNSST Foundation.  She is a registered counsellor and she loves helping families who are new to Auckland.

She welcomes you to join other parents and enjoy lots of fun activities.

Email Abby for a chat today!

Get in touch with our lifestyle coaches, they would love to hear from you. 

Our staff speak many languages and are trained in healthy conversations skills, easy evaluation, privacy abc, safeguarding children, motivational interviewing, healthy start and using Mama Aroha cards with mums needing support. 

If you are a health professional wanting more support for your clients then please contact us. 

Talk soon!

"Supporting whānau to make healthy choices"